Flair is proud to announce that the Flair Puck Pro was recently named the winner for mini split controls in the Lighting & Homes for Tomorrow competition. The competition was backed by ComEd, Con Edison, the US Department of Energy, the Electric Power Research Institute, and many others. The competition's judges said:
The Puck Pro fills a niche for mini-splits and has the ability to operate primary and secondary heating systems together for a seamless experience.
The Puck Pro, available through qualified HVAC contractors, upgrades Flair’s advanced hvacOS to integrate your mini split and central heating into one seamless system. It's a solution for anyone looking for a secondary heat (also known as a virtual dual fuel or integrated controls) solution for their home.

If you live in the Northeast and are planning on installing a new mini split system, you may even qualify for a rebate if you get a Puck Pro.