How Flair is Addressing Poor Air Quality

100M+ North Americans have been affected by poor air quality in the past few weeks, due to the smoke and haze from the Western Alberta wildfires.

The air quality warnings and wildfire smoke forecast is expected to continue for weeks, and with a scorching summer predicted, the threat of widespread wildfires is real.

Residents experiencing the air quality crisis are being told to stay inside - but what's the air quality like inside your home? Can your home ventilation effectively filter pollutants?

Recirculating indoor air is critical during periods of poor air quality. If rooms don't get enough airflow, they don't have enough circulation to capture and filter harmful pollutants.

Flair recently spoke to the Commerical Observer about the air pollution in the Northeast:

Daniel Myers, founder and CEO at smart home technology company  Flair, noted that his “smart vents” make it easier to push cleaner air to rooms in a home that people are actually using. So, during the day, users could close the vents in rooms they don’t use — like the bedroom — and push clean air to rooms they occupy, like home offices or living rooms. The vents can replace normal air vents in a home or apartment with central air, and can be opened or closed remotely.
“You can schedule what rooms you work with at what times,” Myers explained. “We make sure you have the most filtered air entering those rooms at any given time.”

Check out Flair’s Smart Vent system for room-by-room control. Enhance home circulation to help everyone breathe easier.